Quiz on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Quiz on Creativity, Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship

Quiz on Creativity, Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship || Online Quiz With E-Certificate || Free Quiz Certificate

Hello everyone most welcome on my blog. Today in this post , I will tell you about a new and interesting quiz competition. So, let's start , This is an online quiz competition on Creativity, Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship . This quiz competition is organized by the Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) of KCG College of Technology, Chennai. In this quiz competition anyone can participate . There is no any registration fee . There is total 25 MCQ question . There is no any time limit and no negative marking. After quiz completion everyone will getting a participation certificate on your email id.

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Quiz on Creativity, Innovation, IPR and Entrepreneurship

Here You can sell all the questions and answers which are asked in this quiz competition

1. Innovation is defined as 

The commercialization of a new product or process 

The invention of a new product or process

A new product or process idea

The implementation of a new production method


2. Process innovation refers to 

The development of a new service

The development of a new product

The implementation of a new or improved production method 

The development of new products or services


3. Established firms relative to new firms are better at 

All types of innovation

Innovation which is competence-enhancing 

Innovation which is competence-destroying

Innovation which is disruptive


4. Outsourcing of innovation globally is more likely where 

Innovations are autonomous 

Innovations are systemic

Innovations are systemic or autonomous

Innovations are made by service sector firms


5. From existing object something new is formed is called 






6. Which of the following statement is correct in relation to ‘Creativity’? 

Creativity does not require passion and commitment

Creative people work hard to improve ideas and solutions, by making continuous and gradual alternation and refinements to their works 

Creativity is not a process

All of the above


7. Innovation is the tool of






8. Steve Jobs 4th principle of innovation is 

Sell dreams, not products 

Kick start your brain

Do what you want

Dent the Universe


9. Creativity is the _______ for innovation 

Mid point

End point

Starting point 

Melting point


10. All innovations begin with creative ideas 



Partly true

Partly false


11. ________refers to how you approach problems and solutions -the capacity to put existing ideas together in law combinations 




Creativity and thinking skills 


12. Creativity requires 



Neither A or B

Both A & B 


13. Creativity is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new, whether a ……..

New solutions to a problems

New method

New artistic forms

All of the above 


14. Within every individual, creativity is a function of:………

Four components -leadership, direction, co-ordination & planning

Three components - expertise, hard work, ability to predict the future

Two components -decision making & motivation

Three components -expertise, creative thinking skills, motivation 


15. Which of the following is an Intellectual Property Right? 




All of the above 


16. What protects the Intellectual property created by artists? 




Geographical Indications


17. Which of these is a geographical indication? 

Salem fabric

Kancheepuram silk sarees

Darjeeling tea

All of the above 


18. What does a trademark protect?

Logos, Names and Brands 

An invention

An art

A secret formula


19. What is the validity period of patents in India?

10 years

20 years 

30 years

Life time


20. You have developed a new technology which has huge market potential and which type of right you will apply for protection? 






21. An individual who initiates, creates and manages a new business can be called _____________ 

An Owner

A Manager

An Entrepreneur 

A Leader


22. What is the process by which individuals pursue opportunities without regard to resources they currently control? 

Feasibility analysis

Financial analysis


Project management


23. Business plans for a business should be prepared by 

Service engineers



Service providers


24. A business venture founded by one or more entrepreneurs to develop a unique product or service and bring it to market is called?




None of the above


25. Which of the following are Indian start-ups? 




All of the above

For More Visualization You Can See Following Video 

Quiz Link : Click Here

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