World Hepatitis Day Awareness Quiz With E-Certificate

 World Hepatitis Day Awareness Quiz With E-Certificate , online quiz with e certificate , quiz e certificate , quiz competition , quiz, certificate

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Hello everyone most welcome on my blog. Today in this post I will tell you about a new and most interesting quiz competition . So let's start , This is an online quiz competition on World Hepatitis Day Awareness Quiz on “VIRAL HEPATITIS” . This quiz competition is organized by  PG Department of Microbiology, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu, India.

About World Hepatitis Day 2021

According to World Health Organization (WHO), Viral Hepatitis infection is widely spread, affecting 400 million people worldwide, over 10 times the number of people infected with HIV. Globally, about 1.4 million people die each year from Hepatitis. It is estimated that only 5 % of people with chronic Hepatitis know of their infection, and less than 1% have access to treatment. Worldwide, 290 million people are living with Viral Hepatitis unaware. Without finding the undiagnosed and linking them to care, millions will continue to suffer, and lives will be lost. On World Hepatitis Day, 28 July, we Department of Microbiology, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu, India call you all to take action and raise awareness to Hepatitis virus.

About Quiz Competition

👉In this quiz competition anyone can participate. 

👉There is no any registration fee for this quiz competition.

👉There is no any time limit for this quiz competition.

👉Last Date of Quiz Competition is 1 August 2021 , 11:30 p.m.

👉There is total 25 MCQ questions.

👉There is no any negative marking for this quiz competition.

👉After quiz completion who secured 40 % or above marks will be getting participation certificate on your registered email id or google drive.  

👉Per day only 1500 certificates are generated. 

After Quiz Completion Participants Will Receive This Type of Participation Certification.

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Here You can sell all the questions and answers which are asked in this quiz competition

1. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) was discovered by 

Louis Pasteur

Baruch Blumberg

Dmitri Ivanovsky

Martinus Beijerinck

2. Which organ does Hepatitis virus affect?





3. How many forms of major Hepatitis virus have been found so far?





4. Which form of Hepatitis virus infection can exist for years without symptoms? 

Hepatitis virus A

Hepatitis virus B

Hepatitis virus C

Hepatitis virus D

5. All the Hepatitis viruses are RNA Viruses except 

Hepatitis virus A

Hepatitis virus B

Hepatitis virus C

Hepatitis virus D and E

6. Which form of Hepatitis can be transmitted through contaminated food or water? 

Hepatitis virus A

Hepatitis virus B

Hepatitis virus C

Hepatitis virus A and E

7. People who are at a higher risk of contracting or transmitting Hepatitis B or C virus are

People who have unprotected sex

People who injected drugs

People subject to unsafe medical practice

All the above

8. The long term consequences of Chronic hepatitis could lead to

Cirrhosis of the Liver

Liver failure

Liver cancer

All the above

9. Chronic type of Hepatitis infection is caused by

Hepatitis A and B

Hepatitis A and C

Hepatitis A and D

Hepatitis A and E

10. The clinical sample used for Liver function test is 



Cerebrospinal fluid


11. A blood test can confirm hepatitis. Doctors look for an elevated amount of which of these? 

White blood cells



Liver enzymes

12. The Vaccine used for the Immunization of Hepatitis A infection is

Live attenuated vaccine

Inactivated or Killed vaccine

Recombinant sub-unit vaccine

Synthetic peptide vaccine

13. The type of Vaccine used for the Prophylaxis of Hepatitis B infection is

Live attenuated vaccine

Inactivated or Killed vaccine

Recombinant sub-unit vaccine

Synthetic peptide vaccine

14. Hepatitis B was previously called as 

Infectious Hepatitis

Serum Hepatitis

Delta agent

Enteric NANBH

15. Hepatitis D virus was commonly called as

Infectious Hepatitis

Serum hepatitis

Delta agent

Enteric NANBH

16. The Surface antigen of Hepatitis – B (HBsAg) is originally termed as 

Somatic antigen

Australia antigen

Flagellar antigen

Capsid antigen

17. Which of the following Hepatitis virus in Non-enveloped/Naked virus 

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis D

18. The Genetic material of Hepatitis B virus is Circular in nature



19. Vaccines are available for all types of Hepatitis viruses 



20. The current Hepatitis B vaccine was genetically engineered by the insertion of a plasmid containing the S gene for HBsAg into 

Escherichia coli

Herophilus influenzae

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

All the above

21. Hepatitis B virus is less sensitive to Detergents than other Enveloped viruses 



22. In Hepatitis E virus, the “E” stands for 




Both b and c

23. Autoimmune Hepatitis is a disease that occurs when your body makes Antibodies against Liver tissues 



24. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver damage and inflammation. This is sometimes referred to as Alcoholic hepatitis 



25. Redness and swelling (inflammation) of the liver that is caused by a harmful (toxic) amount of certain medicines is called 

Autoimmune hepatitis

Alcoholic hepatitis

Drug induced hepatitis

Parasitic hepatitis

For More Visualization You Can See Following Video 

Quiz Link: Click Here

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