

Online Quiz On GIS and Remote Sensing


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Hello everyone most welcome on my blog. Today in this post I will tell you about a new and most interesting quiz competition. This is an online quiz competition on "GIS and Remote Sensing". This quiz competition is organized by Department of Geography, Shri Baldev Post Graduate College Baragaon, Varanasi, U. P. , India. In this quiz competition everyone can participate . There is total 25 MCQ questions. There is no any negative marking and no time limit for this quiz competition.

After Quiz Completion Each participants Will receive this type of participation certificate.

Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition

1. Projection System and Datum are the same thing a. True b. False 2. Errors in GIS database may be introduced by natural variation or fuzzy boundaries a. False b. True 3. Digital Image is composed of tiny areas known as pixels. With each pixel is associated a number known as a. Digital Number b. Brightness Value c. Grey Level d. All of the given options 4. Total number of GLONASS satellites in the orbit as of now a. Less than 12 b. 20 c. 6 d. More than 22 5. Warming up of the ocean water caused a. Coral bleaching b. Landward migration of corals c. Better growth of coral reefs d. No change in coral health 6. Object based image analysis (OBIA) is generally applied to very high resolution satellite images. a. False b. True 7. Remote sensing image provides macroscopic view of regional geological structures which is not available in field-based observation. a. False b. True 8. Coastal zone is a line and represented as an arc in a GIS a. True b. False 9. Region is any portion of earth surface where physical conditions are _____________ a. None of the above b. Similar c. Homogeneous d. Heterogeneous 10. DMSP OLS sensor works in thermal band. a. True b. False 11. Which of the following system has the same signal transmission for anti-podal satellites a. GPS b. IRNSS c. GLONASS d. Compass 12. Which is not a webserver: a. PHP b. Jetty c. Apache d. IIS 13. Active forest fire can be best detected using a. Thermal b. NIR c. Visible d. SWIR 14. SIS in SISNeT stands for: a. Signal-In-Space (SIS) through the internet b. Both Signal-In-Space (SIS) through the internet and Signal-In-Signal (SIS) through the internet c. Signal-In-Signal (SIS) through the internet 15. Technologies leading to mobile mapping include a. Multi-platform & multi-sensor integrated mapping technology b. All the given options c. ICT / internet / wireless communication d. Remote Sensing , GIS, GPS 16. Which wavelength regions are most appropriate for differentiating snow and clouds? a. X-Rays b. Gamma Rays c. Radio Wave d. SWIR 17. Human eye is sensitive to the __________region of EMR. a. Visible b. Infrared 18. 1 nanosecond error in timing, will generate error in ranging equal to: a. 30km b. 300m c. 0.3m d. 30m 19. Orbital velocity increases as altitude of satellite increases. a. True b. False 20. Both spatial and attribute queries can be performed in QGIS. a. True b. False 21. GPS trackers need to communicate locally back to the server in order to track the individual / animal species. a. True b. False 22. Galileo and Glonass has same number of satellite in their satellite constellation a. False b. True 23. Geostationary satellites orbit at an altitude of ___________ kms from the earth a. 22000 b. 36000 c. 3600 d. 2200 24. The number of orbital planes of GALILEO system a. 5 b. 3 c. 6 d. 4 25. SDCM SBAS system belongs to: a. China b. Russia c. Japan d. India

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Quiz Link: Click Here

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