

Online Literary Pop Quiz (Practice Test for UGC- NET/ SET English)


Online Literary Quiz | English Literature | Free Certificate | UGC NET/ SET English Free Certificate

Hello Everyone , Today I come with a new certification quiz competition. This is an online quiz on UGC-NET/SET English. This quiz competition is organized by PG & Research Department of English, Tiruppur Kumaran College for Women. In This Quiz Competition anyone can participate. There is no any registration fee. There are no any time limit for this quiz competition. There are total 25 Multiple Choice Questions. All the questions related to English Literature .

After Quiz Completion Which Students Are Scoring 60 % Will Receive Participation Certificate Within 5 Minutes in Your Email Id.


All participants will get e- certificate. As the limit is 100 certificate per day, if any participants do not get certificate , no need to worry. They should try after 24 hour for certification.

Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition

1. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim's Progress is an example of ____________ 

a) Historical Allegory

b) The Allegory of Ideas

c) Religious Allegory 

d) Allegorical Satire


2. Stock descriptive phrases like “Blood-red Wine” and “Milk-white Steed”, a refrain in each stanza and, incremental repetition are the set formulas for ________ 

a) ode

b) Ballad 

c) Folklore

d) Epic


3. A Loose-knit group of poets and novelists, who shared a set of social attitudes, Anti-political, Anti-intellectual are called__________ 

a) Bloomsbury Group

b) Metaphysical Poets

c) Beat Writers 

d) Cavalier Poets


4. Who among them is not the member of Bloomsbury Group__________ 

a) Francis Beaumont 

b) Virginia Woolf

c) Lytton Strachey

d) E.M. Forster


5. Shakespeare’s multifaceted Falstaff in Henry IV, Part I is an example of_________ 

a) Two- dimensional

b) Stock Character

c) Flat Character

d) Round Character



6. A type of Comedy developed by Ben Jonson, The Elizabethan Playwright based on the ancient physiological theory of “ Four Humors”__________ 

a) Comedy of Manners

b) Comedy of Humors 

c) Romantic Comedy

d) Satiric Comedy


7. A kind of Criticism attempts to represent in words the felt qualities of a particular passage or

work and to express the responses that the work directly evokes from the critic _________

a) Practical Criticism

b) Mimetic Criticism

c) Impressionistic Criticism 

d) Pragmatic Criticism


8. One among them is not the example of Dream Vision________

a) Dante’s Divine Comedy

b) Bunyan’s The Pilgrim's Progress

c) Langland’s Piers Plowman

d) Congreve’s The Way of the World



9. The Dramatic type found particular favor with Robert Browning________ 

a) The One-Act Play

b) The Dramatic Monologue 

c) The Masque

d) Farce and Melodrama


10. Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey are examples of_________ 

a) Traditional Epic 

b) Epic of Growth

c) Mock Epic

d) Literary Epic


11. A poem particularly written to celebrate a Marriage _________ 

a) Epithalamion 

b) Epiphany

c) Prothalamion

d) Epithet


12. Who was the important pre-cursor of Feminist Criticism and also the author of “A Room of One’s Own” __________ 

a) Kate Millet

b) Elaine Showalter

c) Virginia Woolf 

d) Mary Ellmann


13. A part of something is used to signify the whole, or the whole is used to signify a part__________ 

a) Prosopopoeia

b) Metonymy

c) Kenning

d) Synecdoche



14. It consists of two Iambic Pentameters (lines of ten syllables) rhyming together_________ 

a) The Terza Rima

b) The Ottava Rima

c) The Heroic Couplet 

d) The Spenserian Stanza


15. It denotes the transition in an utterance between adjacent speech sounds, whether within a word, between words or between groups of words_________ 

a) Stress

b) Juncture 

c) Pitch

d) Intonation


16. A stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllable_________

a) Iambic

b) Anapestic

c) Trochaic

d) Dactylic



17. Who extended the term “Metaphysical” from Donne to a school of poets _________ 

a) Samuel Johnson 

b) Andrew Marwell

c) Thomas Vaughan

d) Richard Crashaw


18. The French Structuralist who analyzes the Myths of a particular culture as composed of signs which are to be

identified and interpreted by the cultural anthropologist on the model of linguistic theory of Ferdinand de Saussure _________ 

a) Hans Blumenberg

b) Friedrich Schlegal

c) Claude Levi-Strauss 

d) F.W.S. Schelling


19. Which one among them is not the example of Bildungsroman Novel or Novel of Formation_________ 

a) Somerset Maugham’s OF Human Bondage

b) Richardson’s Clarrissa 

c) Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre

d) Charles Dickens Great Expectations


20. The paradoxical utterance conjoins two terms that in ordinary usage are contraries________ 

a) Oxymoron 

b) Parable

c) Paradox

d) Pararhyme


21. The Pen name of Mary Ann Evans________

a) Lewis Carroll

b) George Orwell

c) Mark Twain

d) George Eliot



22. Age of Sensibility is also known as _________ 

a) Augustan Age

b) Age of Johnson 

c) Caroline Age

d) Jacobean Age


23. A second story that is complete and interesting in its own right- is introduced into the play__________ 

a) Incident

b) Double Plots

c) Plot

d) Sub-Plot



24. A kind of narrator, who not only reports but also comments on and evaluates the actions and motives of the 

characters and sometimes expresses personal views about human life__________ 

a) Intrusive Narrator 

b) First person Narrator

c) Un intrusive Narrator

d) Third person Narrator


25. The use of a single word or phrase which has two disparate meanings, in a context which makes both meanings equally relevant_________ 

a) Homonyms

b) Paranomasia

c) Equivoque 

d) Purple Patch

For Answers of This Quiz Competition Click On The Following Video 

Quiz Link: Click Here

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