Yoga and Meditation Free Certification Course


Yoga and Meditation Free Certification Course

About This Course:-

Organized byYoga Education Quiz By Advanced Group Institutions


➤Read Each Question Carefully and Then Answer.
➤There are total 25 MCQ Questions.
➤Each Question Carry 4 mark.
➤Time Limit is 20 Minutes.
➤Total Marks 100.
➤Above 60% Score Everyone Will Get A Merit Certificate Immediately Within Few Seconds.

Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition

1. When did the first international yoga day observed in India?
 21st June 2014
 21st June 2015
 21st June 2016
 None of these

2. Where the resolution of celebrating Independance day of yoga was passed?
 World Health Organization
 Un General Assembely
 India Parliament
 None of these

3. Who had introused yoga first time to the western world in religious conference?
 Swami Viveaknand
 Narendra Modi
 Maharishi Patanjali
 Baba Ramdev

4. Who first intoduced yoga to humanity?
 Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

5. Which veda mentions about the elements of yoga?
 Athar Veda

6. In 2019, which city host PM Narendra Modi's International Yoga Day celebration?
 New Delhi
 Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Dehradun , Uttarkhand
 Allahabad, UP

7. Which International Day of Yoga event created a Guiness World Record?
 21st June 2015
 21st June 2014
 21st June 2016
 None of these

8. What was the theme of the 5th Internation Day of Yoga 2019?
 Connect the youth
 Yoga for mind
 Yoga for peace
 Climate action

9. Celebration of International Yoga day in India is done by which ministry?

 Ministry of Ayush
 Ministry of Civil Aviation
 Ministry of Communication
 Ministry of Human Resource and Development

10. What do you understand By the term Doga?
 Doga is not aform of yoga
 Doga is a kind of yoga by using dogs as props
 Doga is related with the dogs
 All the above options are wrong

11. Which is not a part of astang Yoga?

12. The words yoga comes from Sanskrit word which means...

 Hindu system of philosphy and meditation
 Inner Peace and tranquility
 Joining Together
 Controlled Breathing

13. Light of Yoga on Pranayama and Light on life are books written By

 Chidanand Saraswati
 K pattabhi jois
 B.K.S. lyenger
 Jaggi Vasudev

14. Utkatasana refers to
 Chair Posture
 Tree Posture
 Mountain Posture
 Eagle Posture

15. If you are engaging in Mula bandha, which part of the body are you locking?

 The Chin
 The abdominals
 The pelvic floor
 None of these

16. Ujayyi is a type of
 All of these

17. Rechaka is a type of 


18. What are the five elements (panch bhutas) in yoga?

 Earth, water, Fire, Air & Sky
 Earth , water, Fire , Air & Light
 Space, Asana, Anna, Kosha & Dosa
 Earth, Woid, Ether, Fire & Wind

19. India's first Yoga OPD has been started in

 New Delhi

20. Bhastrika is related with

 Folk dance

21. One of the most important health effects of yoga is...

 Cancer Cure
 Stress reduction
 Faster Growth in Children
 None of these

22. Which yogic exercise are beneficial , amid the coronavirus crisis, to boost immunity of a person?

 Mastya Asan
 All of these

23. Which Yogic shatkarmas are beneficial for relieving the congestion of coronavirus ?

 None of these

24. Which authority released the scheme and guidelines for yoga Olympiad 2020?

 All of the above

25. What is theme for this year's quiz on yoga Day?

 Yoga for Corona
 Yoga for health and harmony
 Yoga for people
 None of these

For Answers of This Certification Exam Click On The Following Video

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