Food and Nutrition Free Certification Course


Food and Nutrition Free Certification Course

About This Course:-

Organized by: Avlon Shiksha Niketan


➤The Test is based on the field of Food and Nutrition
➤Select the correct option to answer each question.
➤Please refer to maximum time allowed for each exam. There are Total 33 MCQ Questions. The Time for this exam is only 20 minutes.
➤This Exam is of 100 marks ,there is no negative marking.
➤A certificate of Achievement in Food and Nutrition is awarded by Avlon Shiksha Niketan only after securing minimum 60 % marks in the assessment which judges basic concept of Food and Nutrition .
➤All Earned Certificate are in your profile section.

➤All our certificates can be verified online with a unique certificate id. 


Here You can sell which types of questions are asked in the Food and Nutrition Free Certification Exam.

1. Which of these added to the food label because people sometimes don't eat enough of this fat calcium sodium cholesterol 2. The enzyme amylase in saliva begin the breakdown of carbohydrate into... fatty acids polypeptides amino acids simple sugars 3. Excessive body weight due overnutrition leads to rickets marasmus obesity kwashiorkor 4. Deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates in infants leads to maramus goitre obesity 5. Which of the following is not considered a vegetable? Carrot Corn Broccoil Tomato 6. Vitamins and minerals are body building food energy giving food none of these protective food 7. Which of the following is a protein source of plant origin? soybean cheese milk egg 8. Identify the substance needed by the body for growth , energy, repair and maintenance? nutrient carbohydrate calorie fatty acid 9. Which tools are the best to eat to keep your body running smoothly and to maintain healthy eating habits? organic food preserved food Inorganic food Frozen food 10. ... is essential for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood. calcium iron phosphorous magnesium 11. Our body needs ...liters of water every day. 2 to 3 7 to 8 10 to 15 1 to 2 12. Jaggery is a good source of proteins vitamins carbohydrates fats 13. All of the following are nutrients found in food except... plasma proteins carbohydrates vitamins 14. Identify the leading health problem described as an epidemic by the world health organization in the united states that is directly related to nutrition, diet and physical activity? Obesity Global Warming sickness Weight Loss 15. A... is a unit of energy that indicates the amount of energy contained in food. label food guide pyramid calorie basket 16. Which amongst the following does not contain sugar? apple potato grapes glucose 17. What is the percentage of water in the human body? 65 70 40 80 18. Deficiency of iron results in anemia dysentery chicken pox malaria 19. ... is the nutrient that takes other nutrients to the cells and removes the waste from cells. water minerals vitamins coconut water 20. Rickets is caused by the deficiency of vitamin B1 vitamin C vitamin D vitamin A 21. Night Blindness is caused by the deficiency of vitamin c vitamin D vitamin B1 vitamin A 22. Water from the undigested food is absorbed mainly in the stomach foodpipe small intestine large intestine 23. Which food group is our body's best source of energy? meat group fats, oils and sweets breads and cereals milk and cheese 24. Which mineral do we get from fish? magnesium iron none of these iodine 25. Foods like pizza, burger and noodles are rich in carbohydrate proteins vitamins minerals 26. ...helps to maintain a constant body temperature in our body. roughage vitamins energy giving food water 27. Drinking Plenty of water helps to replenish your blood. True/ False? True False 28. To be fully cooked , an egg should be firm or reach what temperature? 145 155 160 165 29. A mineral that the body needs to work properly is... calcium silver gold lead 30. As we all know that exercise is important for good health . In order to repair our muscles we need to eat.... cereal sugar protein apples 31. Bread and most cereals are part of the ... food group. Grains Fruits Vegetables Beans 32. Your body needs vitamins and minerals because... they give the body energy they help carry out metabolic reactions they insulate the body and organs they withdraw heat from the body 33. A diet high in saturated fats can be linked to which of the following? kidney failure bulimia anorexia cardiovascular disease

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