Online Quiz on Knowledge Based Skill Test for Computer Professional-1
Hello everyone today I come with a computer science quiz competition. This is an online quiz on knowledge based skill test for computer professional. In This quiz competition everyone can participate (faculty members , students, college students ). After Quiz completion everyone get a participation certificate on your email Id . This quiz totally based on computer knowledge . All The questions are asked in this exam multiple choice questions. Today's life computer is very important for everyone so everyone need to participate in this quiz competition and getting a participation certificate . Participation certificate will be given by Shadan Women's college of engineering and Technology. After quiz completion which students are getting score more than 60 % Will Receive this type of certificate.
Organized by: Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and Technology, Khairtabad, Hyderabad, Telangana 500004.It gives us immense pleasure to announce that we, Department of Computer Science and Engineering is organizing an online Quiz on Computer Science and Engineering
About the Quiz
Note: Only 100 certificates will be awarded per day, if the Participants response not recorded in a Single day, they Can try on the next day
How to participate in this test:-
First of all click on the quiz link or apply link which is given in the bottom on this post . After Click on the quiz link registration form will be open fill up the all necessary details in this registration form and after this start the quiz . And at the end for submitting the quiz by clicking on submit button .After submitting the quiz everyone getting certificate on registered email id within 15 minutes. If You do not get then please wait at least 24 hours.
Here , You can see all the questions which are asked in this test:
1. If (z + 1/z)^2 = 98, compute (z^2+ 1/z^2 )
A. 100
B. 93
C. 96
D. 89
2. Find the value of
3. What is the output of the program
A. 2
B. 6
C. None of the above
D. 5
4. The following two functions P1 and P2 that have a variable B with an initial value of 2 and executes concurrently. The number of distinct values that B can possibly take after the execution is________________
A. 3
B. 4
C. 2
D. 5
5. A processor can supports a maximum 4 GB, where the memory is word addressable (a word consists of 2 bytes).
The size of the address bus of the processor is at least ……………. bits.
A. 25
B. 21
C. 35
D. 31
6. Let T be the binary tree with 15 nodes. The minimum and maximum possible heights of T are
A. 3 and 14
B. 4 and 14
C. 3 and 15
D. 4 and 15
7. The worst case running time of insertion, merge and quick sort respectively are
A. O(n log n), O (n log n) and O (n^2)
B. O (n^2), O (n^2) and O (n log n)
C. O (n^2), O (n log n) and O (n log n)
D. O (n^2), O (n log n) and O (n^2)
8. In 16-bit 2’s complement representation, the decimal number -28 is
A. 0000 0000 1110 0100
B. 1111 1111 1110 0100
C. 1111 1111 0001 1100
D. 1000 0000 1110 0100
9. What are the recent areas in Computer Science?
A. Data Mining
B. Big Data
C. Data Science
D. Data Warehouse
10. Threads of a process share
A. Heap but not global variables
B. Global Variable but not heap
C. Both Heap and Global Variable
D. Neither Global Variable not Heap
11. Let x1 ⊕ x2 ⊕ x3 ⊕ x4 =0, where x1, x2, x3 and x4 are Boolean variable and ⊕ is the XOR operator. Which one of the following must always be true?
A. x1 . x3 + x2 =0
B. x1 ⊕ x3 = x2 ⊕ x4
C. x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 =0
D. x1 . x2 . x3 . x4 =0
12. A Microprocessor with a 12-bit address bus will be able to access
A. 4 KB
B. 10 KB
C. 1 KB
D. 8 KB
13. DOS system file consists of s
14. An interrupt that can be temporally ignored is __________________
A. Non-Maskable Interrupt
B. Maskable Interrupt
C. High Priority Interrupt
D. Vectored Interrupt
15. Which of the following protocol pairs can be used to send or receive emails (in that order) ?
16. Which one of the following is not a part of the ACID properties of database transaction?
A. Isolation
B. Atomicity
C. Consistency
D. Deadlock-freedom
17. Which one of the following is not performed during compilation?
A. Symbol Table Management
B. Dynamic Memory Allocation
C. Inline explanation
D. Type-Checking
18. What data structure can be used to check if a syntax has balanced parenthesis?
A. Queue
B. Stack
C. Tree
D. List
19. A Grammar that produces more than one parse tree for same sentence is called
A. All of the Above
B. Regular
C. Ambiguous
D. Unambiguous
20. For each attribute of a relation there is a set of permitted values, called the ______________________ of that attribute ts
A. Set
B. Schema
C. Domain
D. Relation
21. SNMP is implemented with a daughter board is
A. Server
B. Separate PC that manages the Network
C. Node
D. Hub
22. If your hard disk is partitioned into 3 drives, the number of recycle bin for that hard disk is
A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
. 4
23. A Telecommunication company wants to segment their customers into distinct groups in order to send appropriate subscription offers, this is an example of
A. Dimensionality Reduction
B. Supervised Learning
C. Reinforcement Learning
D. Unsupervised Learning
24. Which algorithm design techniques is used to find all the pairs of shortest distance in a graph?
A. Greedy
B. Dynamic Programming
C. Backtracking
D. Divide & Conquer
25. What does error 404 or Not Found error while accessing a URL mean?
A. Requested HTML file is not available
B. The Server could not find the requested URL
C. The Requested HTML file does not have sufficient permission
D. The Path to the Interpreter of the script is not valid
For Answers of This Quiz Competition Click On The Following Video
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