Quiz Competition On Ozone Day 2021

 Quiz Competition On Ozone Day 2021

Quiz Competition On Ozone Day 2021

SPA ENVIS RP on Human Settiements and Their Impact on Environment , New Delhi is organizes an Online Questionnaire Survey on International Day for Ozone Layer to Celebration of World Ozone Day 16th September 2021 .

The Theme for the celebration of this year's World Ozone Day 2021 is Theme: Montreal Protocol-Keeping Us, Our Food and Vaccines Cool.  

International Day For The Preservation of The Ozone Layer 2021 is celebrated on Thursday, 16 September 2021 , in Montreal (City in Canada).

➤ Quiz Date: 15 September 2021.

➤ There is no any registration fees.

➤There is total 16 MCQ.

➤There is no any negative marking.

➤In This quiz competition anyone can participate.

Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition

1. When is International Ozone Day celebrated? 

16th October

25th November

16th September

4th July

2. When was the first Ozone Hole discovered? 





3. Who discovered the Ozone Layer? 

Carl Sagan and G.M.B Dobson

G.M.B. Dobson

Henri Buisson and Charles Fabry

Carl Sagan and Charles Fabry

4. What is the theme of 'World Ozone Day-2021' 

Ozone for life: 36 years of ozone layer protection.

32 years of healing

Caring for all life under the Sun

Keep cool and Carry On

5. Which of the following devices can be used to measure Ozone in the stratosphere from the Ground? 





6. The depletion in the Ozone Layer is caused by? 

Nitrous Oxide



Carbon Dioxide

7. Which of the following represents Ozone gas molecule? 





8. Which of the following is a prime health risk associated with greater UV radiation through the atmosphere due to the depletion of the ozone layer? 

Neurological disorder

Increased risk of liver cancer

Increased risk of skin cancer

Damage to the digestive system

9. Why UV radiation is higher in summer? 

The Sun is closer to planet earth so UV rays have a shorter distance to travel to reach us.

There is more ozone in the atmosphere during summer.

The sun is particularly busy in summer

None of these

10. What is the name of the International agreement committing parties to phasing out ozone depleting substance and phasing down hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's)? 

Montreal Protocol

Antarctic Convention

Paris Agreement

Vienna Protocol

11. Which compound is used in Fire Extinguishers that causes Ozone Layer Depletion 



Sodium Aluminates

Sulfurous Silicate

12. Where is the 'hole' in the ozone Layer is situated? 

United States of America



Around the Equator

13. Which of the following UV radiations is responsible for causing sun burns and skin cancer? 




All of the above

14. What does EESC stand for in context of Ozone depleting compounds? 

Energy Effective Stratospheric Compounds

Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorofluorocarbons

Equivalent Energy Saving Compounds

Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine

15. Between what altitudes, is the Ozone Layer found in the highest concentration? 

10-20 Km

20-40 Km

40-55 Km

55-70 Km

16. Which of the following is not the consequence of Ozone Layer Depletion 

Increased UV rays penetrating the Earth's Atmosphere

Cyanobacteria are sensitive to UV radiation and would be affected by its increase.

Malignant melanoma-Another form of skin cancer


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