Online Quiz Competition On Pharmacovigilance / Vaccine-vigilance

Online Quiz Competition On Pharmacovigilance / Vaccine-vigilance

Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre - Osmania Medical College Under Pharmacovigilance Program of India - Indian Pharmacopeia Commission , Ministry of Health and Family Welfare- GOL Organizes an Online Quiz Competition On Pharmacovigilance / Vaccine-Vigilance to Celebrate National Patient Safety Week - India.

➤Quiz Competition Date : 17 to 23 September 2021.

➤Who Can Participate : 

➤Faculty and Students from all the Medical Colleges .

➤Faculty and Students from all the Pharmacy Colleges.

➤Participation Link is given after the post completion.

➤World Patient Safety Day 2021 Date : 17 September 2021.

➤World Patient Safety Day 2021 

➤Theme : Safe Maternal and Newborn Care.

Note: After Quiz Completion Who Score 65 % or Above Will Received a Participation Certificate on Your Email Id.

Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition

1. Pharmacovigilance is related with? 

Detection of ADRs & any other drug related problems

Assessment of ADRs & any other drug related problems

Understanding of ADRs & any other drug related problems

Prevention of ADRs & any other drug related problems

All of the above

2. Who is responsible for monitoring & reporting AEFIs?

Pharmacovigilance Division & AEFI Division

District Immunization Officers & State Immunization Officers

Health Care Professionals

Option 1, 2

Option 1, 2, 3

3. What is AESI? 

Adverse Event of Serious Intervention

Adverse Event of Special Interest

Adverse Event of Severe Intervention

4. Which one of the following is not a type of medication error with hand written Rx? 

Process based errors

Knowledge based errors

Rule based errors

Action based errors

5. Tall Man lettering (mixing upper & lower case letters in same word) can be used to avoid which type of errors? 

Knowledge based errors

Action based errors

Rule based errors

Memory based errors

6. In Post Marketing Surveillance, apart from serious & non-serious, known & unknown, common & rare, which adverse events can be reported? 

Off label & misuse

Antimicrobial resistance

Lack of efficacy

Medication errors & Occupational exposures

All of the above

7. Rational use of Medication: 

Right Drug

Right Patient

Right Dose

Right time

Right route

All of above

8. Tools for reporting ADRs/AEs 

Toll free number (1800-180-3024)

Mobile App

Suspected ADR reporting form- Health Care Professional/ Consumers

Option 1, 3

Option 1, 2, 3

9. Medicine known to cause Drug induced SLE is 





10. CDSCO has recommended MAH to include Nicolau syndrome in Product information/ label for which drug? 





11. Time limit for reporting Serious (Death) AEFI 

24 hours

48 hours

3 days

7 days

12. Disappearance of reaction / event following withdrawal of drug is called 

Positive Dechallenge

Negative Dechallenge

Positive Rechallenge

Negative Rechallenge

13. Which country regulator has updated Covid-19 vaccine label for Bells Palsy .


Health Canada




14. Misreading of Pulse oximeter reported under .

Vaccine vigilance

Medical Unit Monitoring

Materiovigilance of India


15. Which excipient of Covishield vaccine is/may implicated in causing Allergic reactions .


Polysorbate 80

Aluminum hydroxide


For Participating in This Quiz : Click Here

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