Covid-19 General Awareness Quiz

Covid-19 General Awareness Quiz

 Covid-19 General Awareness Quiz

➤Covid-19 General Awareness Quiz Organized By NSS, Care College of Engineering , Trichy-9.

➤Quiz Date: 20 September to 28 September 2021.

➤Participants Can Be Public , Student , Teachers and Others.

➤E-Certificate Will Be Provided to All.

➤To take up the Quiz go to the participation link which is given after the post completion.

Here You can see all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition 

1. How is COVID-19 passed on?

(a) Through droplets that come from your mouth and nose when you cough or breathe out

(b) In sexual fluids, including semen, vaginal fluids or anal mucous

(c) By drinking unclean water

(d) All of the above

2. What are the common symptoms of COVID-19?

(a) A new and continuous cough

(b) Fever

(c) Tiredness

(d) All of the above

3. Can you always tell if someone has COVID-19?

(a) No – not everyone with COVID-19 has symptoms

(b) Yes – it will be obvious, a person with COVID-19 coughs a lot

(c) Yes – you can tell just by where a person comes from, their race and ethnicity

4. Can washing your hands protect you from COVID-19?

(a) Yes – but only if you use a strong bleach

(b) Yes – normal soap and water or hand sanitizer is enough

(c) No – Washing your hands doesn’t stop COVID-19

5. Are people living with HIV always more at risk?

(a) Yes – people with HIV have weaker immune systems

(b) No – people who adhere to antiretroviral treatment (ART) and have a high CD4 count aren’t more at risk

6. When should fabric face masks be worn?

(a) On public transport

(b) In confined or crowded spaces

(c) In small shops

(d) All of the above

7. Can COVID-19 be cured?

(a) Yes – Hot drinks can cure COVID-19

(b) No – COVID-19 is a death sentence

(c) No – but most people get better by themselves

8. Which of the following is an example of physical distancing?

(a) You stop going to crowded places and visiting other people’s houses

(b) You stop talking to the people you live with

(c) You stop speaking to your friends on the phone

9. How can people living with HIV protect themselves from COVID-19?

(a) Wash their hands regularly and follow the physical distancing advice

(b) Keep taking their antiretroviral treatment

(c) Exercise regularly, eat well and look after their mental health

(d) All of the above

10. What does the “19” in “COVID-19” refer to?

(a) There are 19 variants of the coronavirus

(b). There are 19 symptoms of coronavirus disease

(c) This is the 19th coronavirus pandemic

(d) The coronavirus and the disease it causes were identified in 2019

11. True or false: There is more than one coronavirus.

(a) True

(b) False

12. The “corona” in coronavirus means:

(a) Sun

(b) Beer

(c) Strong

(d) Crown

13. An effective hand sanitizer contains at least this percentage of alcohol to kill the coronavirus and other germs

(a) 30%

(b) 45%

(c) 60%

(d) 80%

14. True or false: Once you are fully vaccinated you may not be required to wear a mask in public places.

(a) True

(b) False

15. When is it safe to be closer than 6 feet to another person who is not sick with COVID-19?

(a) When the person is related to you

(b) When you have already had COVID-19

(c) When the person normally lives with you

(d) When you are outdoors

16. Which of these is not a common COVID-19 symptom?

(a) Blurred vision

(b) A cough

(c) Unusual fatigue

(d) Fever

(e) Inability to taste or smell

17. Staying apart from other people when you have been exposed to the coronavirus is called

(a) Physical distancing

(b) Isolation

(c) Quarantine

18. What is the safest way to celebrate your birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic?

(a) Sharing a meal with relatives only

(b) Having a virtual party using an online conferencing app

(c) Hitting your favorite bar when it’s less crowded

(d) Gathering at a friend’s house with people you know well

19. What does the virus attach itself to when it enters the human body?

(a) Antigens

(b) Red blood cells

(c) Ace-2 receptors in the lining of the airways

20. What other viruses belong to the coronavirus family?

(a) SARS and influenza

(b) SARS and MERS

(c) SARS and HIV

21. How does weather seem to affect the novel coronavirus?

(a) The virus can’t survive in hot, humid climates.

(b) Cold temperatures can kill the virus

(c) It is not yet known

22. The incubation period of COVID 19 is

(a) 2-14 days

(b) 2 days

(c) 14 days

(d) Unknown

23. Governments around the world have been monitoring the 'R number' to determine when to ease lockdown restrictions. What is the R number?

(a) The percentage of confirmed coronavirus cases that lead to death

(b) The percentage of the population that has been tested for the coronavirus

(c) The average number of people to whom one infected person will pass on the virus

24. What does 'asymptomatic' mean?

(a) A person does not know they have a virus

(b) A person has an illness but no symptoms

(c) A person has never contracted a virus

(d) A person has severe symptoms

25. How big is the corona virus?

(a) 8 billionths of a metre in diameter

(b) 80 billionths of a metre in diameter

(c) 800 billionths of a metre in diameter

(d) None of the above

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  1. Coronavirus Disease: The Rules of Social Distancing. The Coronavirus disease has a high infecting rate but can be cured. One of them is social distancing that helps you a lot in Coronavirus prevention.


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