Online Quiz On International Yoga Day 2021

 Online Quiz On International Yoga Day 2021

Hello everyone today I come with a new quiz competition based on the International Yoga day 2021. In this quiz competition everyone can participates and after completing the quiz competition everyone get a participation certificate free of cost and Gain more knowledge about international yoga day 2021.

International Yoga Day 2021

Yoga is really a spiritual discipline based on an extremely suitable science which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art of science of healthy living. Yoga is very important for all of us . Yoga Word comes from Sanskrit root 'Yuj' , which means to join or to yoke or to unite. Lord  Shiva is considered the Adi Yogi , that is the father and founder of yoga . The Father of modern yoga is Tirumala Krishnamacharya. Yoga is described in the Rig Veda .The First Yoga day was celebrated in 2015 after 2015 every year on 21st June International Yoga Day is celebrated .This Year 7th International yoga day is celebrated on 21 June 2021 . This Year theme of yoga is  "Yoga For Well-Being".

About The Quiz Competition:-

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All Questions Are Based on yoga day .

There are total 25 Multiple Choice Questions

After Quiz Completion Everyone Get a participation Certificate.

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Here are 100% correct Questions and Answers of This Quiz Competition :

Important all questions are same but questions order is different.

  1. In what state of what country was the founder of Bikram  yoga (hot yoga ) born ?

A. Andhra Pradesh, India

B. West Bengal , India

C. Jharkhand, India

D. Uttarakhand , India

2. How many chakras are in the human body?

A. One

B. Five 

C. Seven

D. Nine

3.Surya Namaskar Comprised of How Many Asanas?

A. 20

B. 12

C. 7

D. 1

4. Which chakra signifies the process of enlightenment ?

A. Seven

B. Three

C. Five

D. First

5.When did the UN General Assembly announce 21st June as International Yoga day?.

A. 11th Dec 2014 

B. 21st June 2015

C. 1st May 2014

D. 11st March 2014

6. Which of the following statements is /are correct about yoga ?

A. The Yoga Word is derived from Sanskrit.

B. Yoga is practiced since ancient India. It is a physical ,mental and spiritual practices .

C. Yoga means to join or unite , represent the union of body and consciousness or alertness.

D. All of these   

7. Who is the first founder of yoga?

A. Adi Yogi Shiva

B. Maharshi Patanjali

C. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

D. Sadhguru

8.How many UN member countries have celebrated yoga?



C. 150


9. An Indian Organization entered Limca book of records for performing yoga for the longest duration in the year 2015.




D. Ministry of Ayush

10. Dr. Bharati Thakur internationally renowned for the foundation of which field of yoga .

A. Artistic yoga

B. Hot Yoga

C. Forrest Yoga

D. Hath Yoga 

11.What is name of the video blogging contest jointly organized by the Ministry of Ayush (MOA) and the India Council of Cultural Relations(ICCR) in 2020?

A. Practicing Yoga

B. My Life, My Yoga

C. Yoga Is Life

D. My Words and Yoga

12.What does 'namaste' mean?

A. Most Welcome

B. Thank You

C. Have a good day

D. Salutations to you

13. What is chakra ?

A. Prayer Point

B. Energy Centre 

C. Karma

D. Moksha

14. Every Teacher Must start the practice session with

A. Pranayama

B. Asana

C. Kriya

D. Silence

15. What is theme of international yoga day 2021?

A. Yoga For Well Being

B. Yoga for health -Yoga at Home 

C. Yoga For Peace

D. Yoga For Heart

16. Which hormone plays an important role in 'fight-or-fight' response in the body?

A. Adrenaline

B. Noradrenaline

C. Glucagon

D. Growth Hormone

17. Who is believed to be the father of yoga ?

A. Adi Yogi Shiva

B. Maharshi Patanjali 

C. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

D. Sadhguru  

18. What do you understand by the term 'Adhi'?

A. Physical disorders originated in Manomaya Kosha

B. Mental/Emotional Disorders originated in Annamaya Kosha

C. Mental /Emotional Disorders originated in Manomaya Kosha 

D. Physical Disorders originated in Annamaya Kosha.

19. What is the most important objective during yoga?

A. Proper breathing

B. Flexibility

C. Physical Strength

D. None of these

20. Definition of yoga to kathopanishad is 

A. Control of mind

B. Control on sense organs , mind and intellect

C. Control on sense organs and intellect

D. Control on body and mind.

21. For small Groups the effective seating arrangement in teaching yoga is 

A. Circular

B. Semi circular

C. Column

D. Row

22. Karma Yoga is a branch of yoga based on the teaching of which text .

A. Bhagavad Gita

B. Ashtavakra Samhita

C. Hath Yoga Pradipika 

D. Vedas

23. When for the first time international yoga day was observed?

A. 21st June 2014

B. 21st June 2015

C. 21st June 2020

D. 21st June 2021

24. Multiple Studies Have Shown Yoga Helps to decreases which stress hormone ?

A. Noradrenaline

B. Growth Hormone

C. Glucagon

D. Cortiosol

25. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit what is the literal meaning of the word?

A. Divide one another

B. Joining Together

C. Both

D. None of the above

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