Gyan Ganga Quiz


Gyan Ganga Quiz 

Organized ByMuseum of Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar , Gujarat.

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➤Total Question: 20 MCQ 

All Questions are based on the ancient text of Bhagvad Gita.

Please read the instructions carefully before you answer the Questions.

You will need to choose correct or incorrect one (as per the instruction) from the given four options.

Each question carries 5 points.

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Here You Can See All The Questions Are Asked In This Quiz Competition

01. How the Turtle is used in Bhagavad Gita to explain “how to manage senses”?

A. as a vehicle

B. as a metaphor

C. as a character

D. as a friend

02. How the Turtle responds when it senses a danger ahead?

A. Draws head & legs out of the hard shell and prepares for an attack.

B. Withdraws head & legs under the hard shell and starts shouting.

C. Withdraws head & legs under the hard shell and remains silent.

D. Draws head & legs out of the hard shell and waits for an attack.

03. Why the Turtle withdraws his organs under its hard shell?

A. To send signal to others for help

B. To be prepared for an attack

C. To protect itself from danger

D. None of above

04. How Turtle recognizes that the danger is approaching?

A. By seeing

B. By hearing

C. By vibration

D. All of the above

05. Why the Turtle is used as a metaphor in Bhagvad Gita?

A. To teach us, how we can make our physical body wild to survive in danger.

B. To teach us, how we can make our physical body still to survive in danger.

C. To teach us, how we can make our physical body aggressive to survive in danger.

D. To teach us, how we can make our physical body unstable to survive in danger.

06. In attempt to get attached to the almighty, a person leaves behind any or every …………….

A. indulgence.

B. power.

C. vision.

D. sorrow.

07. Usually, when a human being sees an object, he...…..

A. looses his mind and can’t take decision.

B. gets confused.

C. gets too excited and then turns in to depression.

D. gets attracted towards it and tries to own it.

08. When a human being (only) hears about an object, he ….

A. tries to imagine about it.

B. tries to reject it.

C. tries to acquire it.

D. tries to decide function of it.

09. When Sthitapragnya sees or touches an object, ……………….

A. it creates sensations.

B. it does not create sensation.

C. it does not create positivity. creates confusion.

10. Sthitapragnya can easily ….

A. manage senses.

B. misbehave with others.

C. fulfil his own desires.

D. commit mistakes.

11. Choose the correct option

A. When a person has self realization, he/she does have an attachment.

B. When a person has self realization, he/she doesn’t have an attachment.

12. Choose the correct option

A. When a person has self realization he/she always gets attracted or tempted….

B. When a person has self realization he/she never gets attracted or tempted….

13. Choose the incorrect option

A. When a person gets self realization he/she can’t properly manage senses.

B. When a person gets self realization he/she can properly manage senses.

14. Choose the incorrect option

A. Sense management discourages an individual to gain control over sense organs.

B. Sense management assists an individual to gain control over sense organs.

15. Choose the incorrect option

A. Due to observation, there isn’t a possibility to develop a desire.

B. Due to observation, there is a possibility to develop a desire.

16. Choose the correct option

A. Anger creates an illusion that makes person mad.

B. Anger does not create an illusion and makes person calm.

17. Choose the incorrect option

A. An Illusion can manipulate memory and leads to delusion.

B. An Illusion can’t manipulate memory and leads to no delusion .

18. Choose the incorrect option

A. Manipulation in memory doesn’t produce mental block.

B. Manipulation in memory does produce mental block.

19. Choose the correct option

A. Too many mental blocks generate no deterioration in the intellect.

B. Too many mental blocks generate deterioration in the intellect .

20. Choose the correct option

A. Deterioration in the intellect doesn’t affect self awareness.

B. Deterioration in the intellect does affect self awareness.

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