Full Stack Development Quiz

  Full Stack Development Quiz

Full Stack Web Developer Free Certificate 

Hello Everyone Today I come with a new and interesting quiz competition. In this post I will tell you about Full Stack Web Developer Free Certificate . How to Get This Certificate free of cost so let's start friend. First of all I will tell you this is quiz competition based on Full Stack Web Developer . In This Quiz competition Everyone Can participate and There is no any registration fee. There is no negative marking and there is no any time limit. In this quiz competition anyone can participate like as faculty members, school students, college students .There are total 5 Multiple choice questions . After quiz competition everyone get a participation certificate on your email id within 5 minutes. 

How to participate  
First of all click on the quiz link or apply link. After this registration form will be open fill up the details correctly in this form like as name ,email id, department name, course, college name etc. After fill up the registration form start the quiz and after completion the quiz click on the submit button for submitting the quiz .

A full stack web developer is a person who can develop both client and server software.
In addition to mastering HTML and CSS, he/she also knows how to:
1) Program a browser (like using JavaScript, jQuery, Angular)
2) Program a server (like using PHP, ASP, Python, or Node)
3) Program a database (like using SQL, SQLite, or MongoDB)

Some key points about the quiz are:
1)All questions are multiple-choice.
2)Take care to pick the BEST answer -Picking an answer that is technically correct, but not as good an answer as the preferred answer, will still be judged as a wrong answer
3)There is no negative marking
4) Answer all the question to get free certification from Itronix Solutions
Anyone Can Participate in this quiz competition.
After Quiz Completion Everyone Get a participation Certificate.

Here You can see all the question which are asked in this quiz competition

Question 1 - A Full-Stack Web Developer is someone who is able to work on ? 

A. front-end
B. back-end
C. Both front-end and back-end

Question 2 - What is Pair-Programming? 

A. Pair Programming refers to one of the fundamental aspects of extreme programming wherein two Developers work on the same terminal
B. Pair Programming refers to one of the fundamental aspects of extreme programming wherein two Developers work on the different terminal

Question 3 - What is CORS? 

A. CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Security
B. CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Session
C. CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
D. CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Server

Question 4 - A Full Stack Developer can optimize a website in the by: 

A. Reducing DNS lookups.
B. Avoiding URL redirects.
C. Avoiding duplicate codes.
D. Leveraging browser caching.
E. All of the above

Question 5 - What should full stack developer know? 

A. Programming languages:
B. Frameworks:
C. Front-end:
D. Databases:
E. Design ability:
F. All of the Above

For Answers of This Quiz Competition Click On The Following Video 

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