Big Data Using Hadoop Online Quiz

 "Big Data Using Hadoop" Online Quiz

Hello Everyone Today I Come With a New Quiz Competition For Computer Science and Information technology Students. This is an online quiz on Big Data Using Hadoop. In This Quiz  competition Anyone Can Participate . There is no any registration fee . There is no any time limit for this quiz competition. All The Questions are asked in this exam based on basic knowledge about Big data using Hadoop. After Quiz Completion Everyone will get a participation certificate on your email id.

After Quiz Completion Everyone Get This Type of Certificate

Organized by: Pune Vidyarthi Griha's , College of Engineering , Nashik

About the Quiz

✅Free Registration
✅Free E-Certificate will be provided to the participants who secure more than 60%
Note: Only 100 certificates will be awarded per day, if the Participants response not recorded in a Single day, they Can try on the next day
✅Who Can Attempt the Quiz: Faculty Members, UG & PG Students.
✅Quiz Pattern: There are 15 Multiple choice type questions to be answered

Here you can see all the questions which are asked in this exam

1. Which of the following are the core components of Hadoop? 

B. Map Reduce
C. HBase
D. Both (a) and (b)

2. Hadoop is open source.

a) ALWAYS True 
b) True only for Apache Hadoop
c) True only for Apache and Cloudera Hadoop
d) ALWAYS False

3. Which of the following is not a valid Hadoop config file? 
a) mapred-site.xml
b) hadoop-site.xml 
c) core-site.xml
d) Masters
4. Hive can load the data from? 

a) Local File system
b) HDFS File system 
c) Output of a Pig Job
d) All of the above

5. What is Hive used as 

a) Hadoop query engine
b) MapReduce wrapper
c) Hadoop SQL interface 
d) All of the above

6. What does “Velocity” in Big Data mean?

a) Speed of input data generation
b) Speed of individual machine processors 
c) Speed of ONLY storing data
d) Speed of storing and processing data

7. As compared to RDBMS, Hadoop 

a. Has higher data Integrity.
b. Does ACID transactions 
c.IS suitable for read and write many times
d. Works better on unstructured and semi-structured data.

8. Hadoop is a framework that allows the distributed processing of 

a) Small Data Sets
b) Semi-Large Data Sets 
c) Large Data Sets
d) Large and Small Data sets

9. What are the five V’s of Big Data? 
A. Volume 
B. Velocity
C. Variety
D. All the above

10. __________ has the world’s largest Hadoop cluster.

A. Apple
B. Datamatics 
C. Facebook
D. None of the mentioned

11. Which demon is responsible for replication of data in Hadoop? 

B - Task Tracker. 
C - Job Tracker.
D - Name Node.

12. All of the following accurately describe Hadoop, EXCEPT: 

A. Open source
B. Real-time 
C. Java-based
D. Distributed computing approach
13. HDFS stands for 

A - Highly distributed file system.
B - Hadoop directed file system 
C - Highly distributed file shell
D - Hadoop distributed file system

14. The archive file created in Hadoop always has the extension of 

A - .hrc 
B - .har
C - .hrh
D - .hrar

15. Job tracker runs on 

A - Namenode
B - Datanode
C - Secondary namenode 
D - Secondary datanode

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