Story Writing Competition 2022


Story Writing Competition 2022

SAIL SWARNA JYANTI Story Writing Competition 2022

It is the 'Swarna Jayanti Year' for SAIL as the company was incorporated on 24th January, 1973. To commemorate this occasion, SAIL is organizing "SAIL Swarna Jayanti Story Writing Competition 2022". The aim of this story writing competition is to provide an oppurinity to the people to write stories related to SAIL's contribution in building of Nation and the society in the last five decades.

Theme of the competition "SAIL's contribution in Nation building in the last five decades".

It can be written either in Hindi or English.

The writing is preferred in story telling form. The writer has the creative liberty to adopt any format of storytelling.

Guidelines for Story Writing Competition: 

1. The theme of the competition:

“SAIL’s contribution in Nation building in the last five decades”. 

2. The competition is open to all citizens of India including present and employees of SAIL and their families.

3. Language – Hindi or English.

4. Only one entry is allowed per participant in the competition.

5. The word limit of the story writing competition is 800 words. For entries above 800 words, 10% marks shall be deducted.

6. Stories will be evaluated by a jury.

7. Writers of outstanding stories will be awarded with Prizes and Certificates.

8. Prizes will be given away to entries in each category i.e. Hindi & English.

9. The winning entries may also be published in SAIL’s in-house journal ‘SAIL News’.

10. The participants must adhere to the following formatting standards:

a. Font type: Times New Roman for English and Unicode for Hindi.

b. Font Size:12

c. Space between lines: Double

d. Pages to be numbered.

e. Quotation, if any, to be given in italics.

f. Final number of words must be written at the end SAIL’s contribution in Nation building in the last five decades Theme.

11. Assessment criteria for evaluation:

Sl. No. Criteria Marks (Max):
1. Creative Writing 15
2. Flow of storytelling 3
3. Grammar 2
4. Message for society or humanity 2.5
5. Following word limit (within 800 words) 2.5
Total 2

12. Name, postal address, mobile number, email id and other details of the author to be given on a separate sheet as per attached format given at Annexure - A.

13. Soft copy of the story has to be sent to email id:  latest by 11 PM, 25 August, 2022, as an attachment with the mail. A passport size photograph of the writer must also be attached separately in the same mail.

14. Two hard copies of the story (in conformation with the above formatting standards) should reach the following address latest by 5 PM, 31 August,2022 : 

AGM, Corporate Affairs Division
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)
6 Floor, Ispat Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110001

15. For clarification, if any, please contact during office hours:
Vinay Jaiswal, AGM, Corporate Affairs Division at 9968605464 /
011 - 24300495

16. Please note that both the soft and hard copies are mandatory. In case of any discrepancy between the soft and the hard copy, the hard copy will be considered for final evaluation.
17. Names of winners will be announced on the SAIL Website ( and SAIL  Social media handles

Please note: Passport size photograph of the writer must be sent through e-mail.

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