Drawing Competition On World Environment Day 2022


Drawing Competition 2022

Drawing Competition On World Environment Day 2022

Competition Title:  Only One Earth – Save it

Eligibility: The contest is open to the 1st standard to 8th standard (Standard of the academic year 2022‐2023) students of Puducherry U.T. only.   

The Work Must Be Original: You must be the owner of the drawing.  

Timeline of the contest: The entries shall be submitted in the below google form link from

02.06.2022, 10 am to 03.06.2022, 6 pm. Entries will not be received after the time limit.

Category and Prize:  

Category Class Prize
1 1st to 3rd Standard (Standard of the academic year 2022‐2023) First Prize : Rs. 3000/‐ for 1 person
Second Prize : Rs. 2000/‐ for 1 person
Third Prize : Rs. 1000/‐ for 1 person
Consolation Prize : Rs. 500/‐ for 2 persons
2 4th & 5th Standard (Standard of the academic year 2022‐2023) First Prize : Rs. 3000/‐ for 1 person
Second Prize : Rs. 2000/‐ for 1 person
Third Prize : Rs. 1000/‐ for 1 person
Consolation Prize : Rs. 500/‐ for 2 persons
3 6th to 8th Standard (Standard of the academic year 2022‐2023) First Prize : Rs. 3000/‐ for 1 person
Second Prize : Rs. 2000/‐ for 1 person
Third Prize : Rs. 1000/‐ for 1 person
Consolation Prize : Rs. 500/‐ for 2 persons

The winners name will be notified through email and hosted in department website.  

Guidelines of the contest:  

1. The drawing must be drawn in A4 size.
2. Hand‐drawing only allowed.  
3. Coloring shall be in any medium.  
4. The drawing has to be upload in JPEG‐format. The photo should be clearly visible. Blurred
images, distorted images and illegible entries are excluded from the contest.  
5. The file size should be under 1 MB.
6. Only one entry per person.  
7. The copyright of drawing remains with the participant. However, by entering the
competition, the participant grant PPCC the right in perpetuity to publish and/or broadcast
their drawing.  
8. The selected winner has to produce their proof of U.T. of Puducherry Residence.

For Participate : Click Here

For Official Website: click Here

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