

Word Search Puzzle


An Online Series of World Search Puzzle

This is basically a Word Search Puzzle organized by Museum of Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India SA Creations, India and Gentle Discovery Institute, USA.

Please read the following instructions carefully before you attempt to solve the Puzzle.

➤This Puzzle is consists of 10 words.

➤You will need to find 10 correct words from the WORD JUMBLE BOX.

➤Read the STORY and find the CLUES in word jumble box below.

➤You need to follow the SEQUENCE from 1 to 10 given in the story.

➤MATCH the corresponding numbers in jumble box to know the correct word.

➤In the JUMBLE BOX the word may be found in ANY direction e.g. left, right, up, down, cross etc. It has to be searched respectively.

➤Write your answer below the jumble box with CORRECT SPELLING.

➤Each correct answer will score 10 POINTS for you.

➤If you "SCORE 70% THEN ONLY" you will receive a printable "Badge of Excellence" on your email address.

➤After submission of the Puzzle, you will get your score instantly on screen by clicking the button "View Score"....

➤This is a purely fun-learn activity and If you wish, You can participate multiple times by using the same link to improve your score. The best practice would be to take a [screenshot] of your score and share proudly on your social media accounts ….

➤Please write your valid email address below to START
➤All the best....

For Participating in This Competition : Click Here

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