International Quiz On Commerce and Management

 International Quiz On Commerce and Management

International Quiz On Commerce and Management 

Hello everyone most welcome on my blog . Today in this post I will tell you about a new and most interesting quiz competition. So let's start , This is an International Online Quiz Competition On Commerce and Management . This quiz competition is organized by the Department Of Commerce, Mar Elias College College ,Kottappady. MECCA (Mar Elias College Commerce Association) under IQAC is organizing an online quiz on Commerce and Management . In this quiz competition anyone can participate . There is no any registration fee . There is no any time limit . There is total 20 MCQ questions. There is no any negative marking.

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International Quiz On Commerce and Management

Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition

1, Who is Father of Scientific Management ? 

Henry Fayol
Elton Mayo
Chester Bernard
F. W. Taylor
2,Memorandum of Association contains– 

Name clause
Object clause
Liabilty clause
All of the above
3.Which of the following is not a manufacturing company? 

Iron and steel works
Flour Mills
Fruit Canning
4.A valid definition of a business purpose is to 

Create a customer 
Maximize profit
Serve the society
Increase the wealth of the firm
5.The principle of Indemnity does not apply to 

Burglary Insurance
Fire Insurance
Marine Insurance
Life and Personal Accident Insurance
6.Closing stock appearing in the Trial Balance is shown in 

Balance Sheet only 
Trading Account only
Trading Account and Balance Sheet both
None of the above
7.Outstanding Expense are shown on

Asset side of Balancesheet
Not shown on Balancesheet
Liability side of Balance sheet 
None of these
8. The principle of ‘Unity of Command’ was introduced by

Elton Mayo
Henry Fayol 
F. W. Taylor
9.Out of the following forms, which form of organisation is the oldest one ? 

Line and staff organisation
Functional organisation
Committee organisation
Line organisation
10.A sports club receives admission fees. It is a 

Revenue receipt 
Capital receipt
Deferred receipt
None of these
11.Liability of partners in respect of the firm’s debt is 

Limited to the amount of his capital in the business
Limited to the amount of guarantee given by the partner
Limited to the amount of capital and the loan to the firm
12. Investment in which of the following is most risky? 

Equity shares 
Preference shares
13.Identify the Logo?

14.How is ‘Calls in arrear’ shown in the balance sheet on the liability side ? 

By deducting the amount from the called up capital 
Under the heading ‘Reserves and Surplus’
By deducting the amount from ‘Capital Reserve
By deducting the amount from the ‘Share Forfeited Account’
15.A Government Company is one in which at least the following percentage of share capital is held by the Central and/or State Government 

16.Due to coordination 

There is a unity of order 
There is a unity of direction
There is a leadership
Employees are motivated
17.The policy “anticipate no profit and provide for all possible losses” arises due to 

Convention of consistency
Convention of conservatism 
Convention of Disclosure
None of the above
18.The last step of communication process is 

19.Which item does not cause any business risk? 

Breakdown of machinery
Efficient management
Changing government policy 
20.Which is a function of E-Commerce 

All of the above

For Answers of This Quiz Competition Click On The Following Video

Quiz Link: Click Here

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