

Free certification On Machine Learning


National Level Quiz On Machine Learning || Free Quiz Certificate || Quiz Free Certificate

Hello everyone most welcome on my blog. Today in this post I will tell you about a new and most important free certification quiz. This is an online free quiz certification course on "Machine Learning". In this free certification exam anyone can participate. There is no any registration fee. There is total 25 MCQ. There is no any negative marking. There is no any time limit. All the questions are asked in this exam are based on basic machine learning . All the questions are same in this exam but questions order is different .

After completion of this exam and scoring more than 60 % each participants will receive a certificate on your email id.

Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this Exam

1. It involves dividing the input values by the range (i.e. the maximum value minus the minimum value) of the input variable, resulting in a new range of just .

Feature scaling

Mean normalization

Correlating features


2. Method to assure that our backpropagation works as intended 

Gradient boosting

Gradient checking


Gradient descent

3. You’re running a company, and you want to develop learning algorithms to address each of two problems. 

Problem 1:You have a large inventory of identical items. You want to predict how many of these items will sell over the next 3 months.

Problem 2: You’d like software to examine individual customer accounts, and for each account decide if it has been hacked/compromised. Should you treat these as classification or as 

regression problems? 

Treat both as classification problems.

Treat problem 1 as a classification problem, problem 2 as a regression problem.

Treat problem 1 as a regression problem, problem 2 as a classification problem.

Treat both as regression problems.

4. Techniques to fix high variance 

Trying smaller sets of features

Getting more training examples

Adding features

Adding polynomial features

Decreasing regularization parameter

Increasing regularization parameter

Free Online Certification Courses on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Using Python

5. If the difference between human-level error and the training error is bigger than the difference between the training error and the development error. The focus should be on 

bias enhancing

bias reducing

variance enchancing

variance reducing

6. a system design property that assures that modifying an instruction or a component of an algorithm will not create or propagate side effects to other components of the system 

use case analysis

waterfall model



7. The field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly learned.

Neural networks

Recurrent network

Convolutional Networks

Machine Learning

Dynamic Programming

8. When the form of our hypothesis function maps poorly to the trend of the data 



Correlating features


Low bias

High bias

9. Of the following examples, which would you address using an unsupervised learning algorithm? (Check all that apply.)

Given email labeled as spam/not spam, learn a spam filter.

Given a set of news articles found on the web, group them into set of articles about the same story

Given a database of customer data, automatically discover market segments and group customers into different market segments

Given a dataset of patients diagnosed as either having diabetes or not, learn to classify new patients as having diabetes or not

10. Over time, as you keep training the algorithm, maybe bigger and bigger models on more and more data,

the performance approaches but never surpasses some theoretical limit, which is called the 

landmark error

Goldilocks zone

Bayes error

Distribution error

Bernoullis error

11. You train a system, and its errors are as follows (error = 100%-Accuracy): Training set error 4.0% Dev set error 4.5% This suggests that one good avenue for improving performance is to train a bigger network so as to drive down the 4.0% training error. Do you agree? 

Yes, because having 4.0% training error shows you have high bias.

Yes, because this shows your bias is higher than your variance.

No, because this shows your variance is higher than your bias.

No, because there is insufficient information to tell.

12. Techniques to fix high bias 

Trying smaller sets of features

Getting more training examples

Adding features

Adding polynomial features

Decreasing regularization parameter

Increasing regularization parameter

13. It involves subtracting the average value for an input variable from the values for that input variable resulting in a new average value for the input variable of just zero 

Feature scaling

Mean normalization

Correlating features


14. If the difference between training error and the development error is bigger than the difference between the human-level error and the training error. The focus should be on 

bias enhancing

bias reducing

variance enchancing

variance reducing

15. Structuring your data Before implementing your algorithm, you need to split your data into train/dev/test sets. Which of these do you think is the best choice?

Train - 3,333,334; Dev - 3,333,333 ; Test - 3,333,333

Train - 9,500,000; Dev - 250,000 ; Test - 250,000

16. Having one neural network do simultaneously several tasks 

Transfer learning

Fine tuning

End-to-end deep learning

Weight shifting

Gradient boosting

Data synthesis

Multi-task learning

17. The λ, or lambda, is the regularization parameter. If lambda is chosen to be too large, it may 

cause underfitting

cause overfitting

no effect

18. we are given an unlabeled data set and we would like to have an algorithm automatically group the data into coherent subsets or into coherent clusters for us 




Data mining

Exploratory data analysis

19. Your goal is to detect road signs (stop sign, pedestrian crossing sign, construction ahead sign) and traffic signals (red and green lights) in images. The goal is to recognize which of these objects appear in each image. You plan to use a deep neural network with ReLU units in the hidden layers. For the output layer, a SoftMax activation would be a good choice for the output layer because this is a multi-task learning problem. True/False? 



20. A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E." Suppose your email program watches which emails you do or do not mark as spam, and based on that learns how to better filter spam. What is the task T in this setting? 

Classify emails as spam or not spam.

Watching you label emails as spam or not spam.

The number (or fraction) of emails correctly classified as spam/not spam.

None of the above, this is not a machine learning algorithm

21. You are carrying out error analysis and counting up what errors the algorithm makes. Which of these datasets do you think you should manually go through and carefully examine, one image at a time? 

500 randomly chosen images

10,000 randomly chosen images

10,000 images on which the algorithm made a mistake

500 images on which the algorithm made a mistake

22. simplification of a processing or learning systems into one neural network 

Transfer learning

Fine tuning

Weight shifting

Gradient boosting

End-to-end deep learning

Data synthesis

Multi-task learning

23. One of the most powerful ideas in deep learning is that sometimes you can take knowledge the neural network has learned from one task and apply that knowledge to a separate task 

Transfer learning

Fine tuning

End-to-end deep learning

Weight shifting

Gradient boosting

Data synthesis

Multi-task learning

24. The main options to address the issue of overfitting

Reduce the number of features

Increase the number of features


No Regularization

25. When a supervised learning system is design, these are the which assumptions that needs to be true

Fit training set well in cost function

Use of a bigger development set

Fit development set well in cost function

Regularization or using bigger training set

Fit test set well on cost function

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