

Online Quiz On COVID-19 Awareness


Online Quiz On COVID-19 Awareness


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➤Total Question: 15 MCQ 

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Here You can sell all the questions which are asked in this quiz competition

1. Which microorganism causes COVID-19 




All of the Above

2. Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus 

Wash your hands frequently

Maintain social distancing

Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth

Practice respiratory hygiene

All of the above

3. The first country to report COVID-19 cases 





4. Symptoms of COVID-19 

Fever, dry cough, and tiredness

Fever, cough, breathing difficulty, and tiredness

Fever and breathing difficulty

None of the above

5. How does COVID-19 spread 

From person to person through small droplets from nose or mouth

From surfaces around the infected person such as tables, doorknobs, and handrails

Close contact with/ treating an infected person

All of the above

6. Which of the following statements is wrong in terms of COVID-19 

Older patients, patients with high blood pressure, heart and lung disease, diabetes, and cancer are not at high risk for COVID-19

Patients with very mild symptoms of COVID-19 can transmit the disease

COVID-19 can be transmitted from animals to human being

7. What do you mean by Self Quarantine 

Stay home and have fun with the family

Stay home, restricting yourself from close contact with your family members

Both a and b

None of the above

8. State True or False: There is no vaccine or specific antiviral drugs against COVID-19 



9. How long does it take, after exposure to coronavirus, to develop the symptoms 

Within 10 hours

1 to 14 days

Within 20 hours

Soon after exposure

10. Which is the mask used by healthcare providers 

Medical masks



All of the above

11. What is the WHO recommendation regarding social distancing 

A minimum distance of 1 meter

A minimum distance of 3 meters

A minimum distance of 5 meters

12. Which are the diseases related to coronavirus



Both a and b

Neither a nor b

13. Which among the following is true in the case of coronavirus 

Coronavirus is destroyed in temperatures above 25 degrees Celcius

Including garlic, turmeric, and lemon in the diet will prevent coronavirus infection

Viruses cannot travel on radiowaves/ mobile networks

Drinking alcohol will prevent coronavirus

14. State True or False: Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort means that you are free from COVID-19



15. Which of the following statements are true with regards to respiratory hygiene 

Cover your nose and mouth using a kerchief or tissue paper while coughing or sneezing

Dispose off the tissue in a closed dustbin

If you do not have a kerchief or tissue paper, cough or sneeze into your elbow

All of the above

For Answers of This Quiz Competition Click On The Following Video 

Quiz Link: Click Here

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